Weak Men Create Hard Times

Yep, you read that right. You heard me. Weak men create hard times. Let’s break this down a bit more, and I’m more than certain you and I will be on the same page. 

First off, let’s talk about a quality that should be applied in all circumstances: Humility. 

I know, I know, you’ve heard me go on a soap box before about this. But that’s because it is of the essence. The very essence of a good man. The very essence of a great leader.

To add, Jocko Willink was interviewed by Candace Owens on her new show, The Candace Owens Show, and she asked him how “during his time as a Navy SEAL officer what was the greatest lesson you learned?” He responded by saying these words: 

“The biggest thing that you pick up that I picked up being a leader in combat situations is being humble. There’s gonna be things in life that are going to catch you and you’re not gonna be ready for them if you think you’re gonna be in control all the time. You’re not and if you think you know everything, you don’t. You know, people think that they know everything and it all stems from ego. I think my opinion is 100% right anything that you have to say is wrong and if that’s my opinion of your opinion how can we have a conversation? I think I know everything, you think you know everything, and we’re just going to do this. So SEALs teams being in combat – it’s a lesson in humility without question.”

Even the greatest warriors known on this planet earth learn a great deal when they are humble. Humility is a great teacher. 

Secondly, let’s get to the meat of what I mentioned above: weak men create hard times. That’s right, that’s the third time you’ve read that. Let’s read off a couple things here that weak men are guaranteed to do:

  •  Weak men abandon.
  • Weak men ruin families. Whether they do so emotionally or because of their moral weakness. 
  • Weak men blame others. 

And I could add some more things to this list, but we’ll stop there. To the first point, weak men abandon; they run from their problems. They may turn to something else to help them deal with issues (i.e drugs, alcohol, etc.). They run from their mistakes. To the second bullet point, weak mean ruin families. This is done because weak men have not set any sort of boundary for themselves to not violate their significant other’s trust or even their children’s trust. Or maybe they are too weak to say no to another woman. Yikes. Lastly, A weak man blames everyone else but himself. A weak man will point fingers as to why he wasn’t able to accomplish his tasks. He will never own up to anything. 

Am I making any sense here? Weak men create hard times. Hard times for themselves, hard times for their families, and hard times for those who surround them, whether it’s a team at work or even church members. 

The best way to cap this all off is by reiterating what Frederick Douglas said: “It’s easier to grow strong children than it is to repair broken men.” It is important that the next generation we grow, grow up to be much more morally rigid, emotionally intelligent, and all-around better than we ever were. Growing them up correctly right from the get-go is much better than trying to fix the broken man that carries all of his baggage with him.   

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